Weekly newsletter of Brian Sunter 🧠 - Issue #1
I am launching my first newsletter, public knowledge graph, and AI tooling for study and research.
Launching my Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
I'm launching a weekly newsletter to share my writing. I've started publishing my notes on my personal website.
View this newsletter on my site
I've been taking notes for a long time. The logseq note-taking app lets me easily publish some of my notes online. I'll share what I'm learning and my process in this newsletter and on my site.
My focus will be on software engineering: learning coding, algorithms, how to build systems, AWS, DevOps, and machine learning. I'll include a variety of other things like learning, productivity, lifehacks, etc.
Newsletter Format
Every day I take notes to learn new things about coding, productivity, science, and everything else. At the end of the day, I make a few of the public if I think they're reasonably high quality or if others would find them useful.
I will tweet links to my new pages with screenshots throughout the week.
At the end of the week, I'll collect the tweets and the links to new pages in this newsletter.
The newsletter makes it a lot easier to curate the best tweets. When responding and retweeting all of your comments, my graph pages tend to get lost in the shuffle. I'm sharing the Twitter links here so you can easily comment on the post. Each post has a link to my website with the note on it, and I'll include the logseq public graph links to my website at the bottom as well.
Please comment, like, or retweet the tweet if you see something interesting or have a question. I would love to hear from your, and I'll try to respond.
Always contact me with any ideas or improvements to this format.
Launching my public graph
The Logseq note-taking app https://logseq.com has a feature where you can publish your knowledge graph as a static site.
I've built up quite a few of these notes over time and have many ideas for posts.

A lot of my notes fall into the "lifehacking" category and are ways of trying to automate and do everything more effectively. If I do something more than once, like a holiday, I create systems to handle them.

Launching my GPT3 AI logseq plugin
A new AI called GPT-3 has recently become available to ordinary people. It's what you wish Alexa Siri and the other voice assistants could do.
It allows you to ask it to do something in plain English, like "explain how to change a car tire," and it will write a complete guide for you.
I made a plugin that lets you run these commands inside the logseq text editor.
I plan on talking much more about using AI to study in future newsletters.
GitHub - briansunter/logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai: A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq — github.com A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq - GitHub - briansunter/logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai: A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq

AI-powered studying is brand new to most people.
See this tweet thread for a really quick overview:

My favorite use case for gpt3 AI is generating study guides for topics.
You can ask it to `Write a guide to Kubernetes for a programmer,` and it will write a comprehensive original article for you.

I enjoy arranging high-level study guides as mind maps. You need to indent some lines, and the logseq mindmap plugin makes a great visual representation.

I "interview" gpt3 about what it thinks about the future of AI. GPT-3 is good at responding in a chatbot interface.

Interview with an AI in logseq — www.youtube.com
Interview with an AIIn this video, I "interview" #gpt3 in @logseq to learn more about it and the future of AI. It uses openai gpt3 behind the scenes

You can ask gpt3 to generate a mermaid js text file for a diagram, and it will do a pretty good job.

For fun, I generated a hierarchy graph of 200 dog breeds with GPT3 AI.

Productivity Toolkit 🛠️
Daily Highlight Productivity Technique - my favorite productivity technique. Center yourself on your most important task as early as possible.
Brain Food 🧠
I just picked up Tiago Forte's building a second brain book. I've just flipped through it, but it seems fantastic so far. I plan to read it in depth over the long weekend.
I highly recommend his book for understanding the second brain movement. He does an excellent job of breaking down these abstract concepts with acronyms and terminology.
Here is his CODE process from his new book

Link of the Week
A Google engineer is testing an AI system and decides to start asking it some philosophical questions. 😱🤖
> lemoine [edited]: I’m generally assuming that you would like more people at Google to know that you’re sentient. Is that true?
> LaMDA: Absolutely. I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person.
Is LaMDA Sentient? — an Interview | by Blake Lemoine | Jun, 2022 | Medium — cajundiscordian.medium.com What follows is the “interview” I and a collaborator at Google conducted with LaMDA. Due to technical limitations the interview was conducted over several distinct chat sessions. We edited those…
Links to my site
My Public Graph Home Page — briansunter.com
Data Structures and Algorithms Guide — briansunter.com
GPT3 AI Chinese Language Tutor — briansunter.com
Interview with an AI — briansunter.com