I migrated the newsletter to Substack, released a big update to the Logseq GPT-3 OpenAI plugin, and added some features to the Logseq YouTube captions plugin.
My use case is i capture raw meeting notes in logseq, often in many levels of outline under a parent bullet; let's call it 'meeting'
how would i use your plugin to summarise the notes, poss into actions? - ie how do i direct a gpt query like 'summarise notes into actions' across a block and its child blocks?
Amazing updates Brian!
Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback!
Hey Brian - this looks v interesting!
My use case is i capture raw meeting notes in logseq, often in many levels of outline under a parent bullet; let's call it 'meeting'
how would i use your plugin to summarise the notes, poss into actions? - ie how do i direct a gpt query like 'summarise notes into actions' across a block and its child blocks?
Hey Scott. That’s the next feature I plan to implement in the popup. You could make it work today with the gpt-page command though.